Top reads this week


Vietnam Dien Bien Phu

Dien Bien Phu and after: the U.S. inherits an intractable conflict

You thought the Vietnam war was lost by 1974? Turn your clocks back two decades Almost 70 years after the French defeat — and, all credit due, the Vietminh victory — at Dien Bien Phu in northwest Vietnam,1 lessons continue to be drawn from a military confrontation that saw the defeat of a well-equipped Western…

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africa 1999 un mission

Trip to the edge — A deskbound Geneva ‘fonctionnaire’ tastes life in the field

By David Winch, UN Special, May 2009 The arrival was a shock. The airport, a shambles. After a day and a night on flights from Geneva to Paris to Togo and beyond, here we were in Central Africa. Years later, the memories of this, my first field mission, remain vivid. Arriving from the North, the…

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