Top reads this week

Arts scene

Film, painting and theatre as we have seen them, from all over.

Hatley High — Back to school with a bang

Quebec’s Eastern Townships have a nice little history of filmmaking. Today, with Amazon getting involved, maybe it will get a second wind. Amazon Prime will soon produce a new series based on Brome Lake author Louise Penny’s detective Gamache mysteries, set in fictional Three Pines. Maybe this will stimulate filmmaking in the Townships, which has…

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Northrop Frye — critic and Townshipper

Painting of Frye at E.J. Pratt library at Victoria College: a college in-joke, repeated by Frye, was that he appeared to be living “without visible means of support”. The renowned U of T and world literary figure grew up a reader in a devout family rooted in the smaller cities of eastern Canada At a…

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Warhol MOMA SF

San Francisco – City of art

SAN FRANCISCO — Despite its problems, tops among them a stratospheric level of housing prices and vast homelessness, this city remains a magnet for creative design of all sorts. A compendium of art we saw at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SF-MOMA) helps launch our new Cities Cities section at the sensational…

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Bertolucci, cinema’s past — or its future?

Bertolucci and the European film adventure Italian filmmaker Bernardo Bertolucci’s recent death brought to mind all his artistic achievements, some of which have fallen into disrepute in a different cultural climate. His later Hollywood-funded work was more popular (and Oscar-winning) but did not get the critical applause  of the early films. And his treatment of…

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